January 16, 2025 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Call To Order
President Pyne called to order the January 16, 2025, meeting of the Apex Park and Recreation District Board of Directors, held at 6:30 pm at the Apex Center. Board members in attendance in person were Vicki Pyne, Rich Garrimone, Liz Tomsula and Jo Burns. District employees in attendance were Katie Groke-Director of Community Services and Recording Secretary; Riki Rarick-Safety and Emergency Manager; Monica Bowser-Community Services Manager; Mark Baird-Director of District Services, Darren Bjorlin-Capital Improvements and Building Access Control.
Excused Absence of Director McNeal
Motion: Director Tomsula moved to excuse the absence of Director McNeal. Director
Burns seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Agenda
Motion: Director Burns moved to approve the agenda. Director Tomsula seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes of The January 2, 2025, Board Meeting
Motion: Director Burns moved to approve the minutes. Director Tomsula seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Public Input
There was no public input.
New Business
Resolution APRD2025-03 A Resolution Calling for the 2025 Regular District Election and Appointing a Designated Election Official.
Motion: Director Tomsula moved to approve Resolution APRD2025-03 A Resolution Calling for the 2025 Regular District Election and Appointing a Designated Election Official. Director Garrimone seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Meadowbrook Park Agreement with Jefferson County Open Space-Katie Groke
Motion: Director Garrimone moved to approve the Termination of Lease Meadowbrook Park Agreement with Jefferson County Open Space. Director Tomsula seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Old/Other Business
Katie Groke reported no old or other business.
Executive Director Report
Katie Groke reported out the Archery Range Update-photos were given to the board. IGA with city is continuing as is.
Katie Groke reported that we finalized hiring for Marketing positions. Vee will be our new events coordinator. We hired someone externally, Jen Keefe, as our marketing assistant. Both will begin on Jan. 27. Sarah Heaton’s position is posted, will be hiring for Rec. Coordinator. Simms Street hired Deborah Sabin as the full-time Admin Coordinator.
Katie Groke reported out regarding the upcoming elections-we will keep you abreast of dates and updates.
Katie Groke reported out the Apex Good News-we hit 700 in basketball, a high for Apex and this program.
Board Member Reports
Director Burns:
Director Burns reported that Tuesday, Jan. 21 is the city manager candidates’ event at the atrium at city hall. Jeff and Katie will be going. Jeff is sitting on the Taste and Talks panel on Wednesday regarding Parks and Recreation at the Sonora Cinema. Had a talk with a community member about having a sanctuary for our community members who are worried about being deported. Katie will take this to Jeff and see what CPRA is saying, and we will check with the marketing group and see if they have heard about doing this. Thank you for putting the article in the bod packet and the picture of the AAC opening.
Director Garrimone:
Director Garrimone reported that the scaffolding is set in place, waiting for permit from the city. Waiting on the tap which should be ready next week and then will get the permit.
Director Tomsula:
Director Tomsula to john in IT department for helping to get back into her email.
President Pyne:
President Pyne her neighbors love the AAC.
Motion: Director Burns moved that the meeting be adjourned. Director Garrimone seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
President Pyne adjourned the meeting at 7:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Katie Groke, Recording Secretary
Rich Garrimone, Secretary/Treasurer