February 6, 2025 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Call To Order
President Pyne called to order the February 6, 2025, meeting of the Apex Park and Recreation District Board of Directors, held at 6:30 pm at the Apex Center. Board members in attendance in person were Vicki Pyne, Rich Garrimone, Liz Tomsula, Jo Burns and Abby McNeal. District employees in attendance were Katie Groke-Director of Community Services and Recording Secretary; Monica Bowser-Community Services Manager; Darren Bjorlin-Capital Improvements and Building Access Control; Kelly Bowser-Park and Grounds Manager; Ian Franciscato-Maintenance Generalist; Kay Palmer-Recreation Manager Simms Street; Debora Sabin-Recreation Coordinator; Vee Duran-Recreation Coordinator-Events; Jen Keefe-Marketing Assistant.
Approval of Agenda
MOTION: Director McNeal moved to approve the agenda. Director Garrimone seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes of The January 16, 2025, Board Meeting
MOTION: Director Burns moved to approve the minutes. Director Garrimone seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Public Input
There was no public input.
New Business
- New Employee Introductions – Jeff Glenn
- Ian Francescato-Maintenance Specialist
- Jen Keefe – Marketing Assistant
- Vee Duran – Recreation Coordinator-Events
- Deborah Sabin – Administrative Coordinator, Simms Street Recreation Center
Staff introduced new employees and the new team members were able to tell the BOD a little about themselves.
- Review and Approve of Apex Park and Recreation District Bylaws – Jeff Glenn
MOTION: Director Burns moved to approve the amended and updated per Study Session District Bylaws. Director McNeal seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Old/Other Business
Mr. Glenn reported that the archery range project is still moving along and there is a pre-construction meeting next week.
Executive Director Report
Mr. Glenn reported that Apex PRD received the Jeffco Trails Grant and Jeffco CPP grant to construct Lauri Dannemiller Trail and Trailhead.
Mr. Glenn let the board know that we are now members of the American Association of Special Districts.
Mr. Glenn reported that we are partnering for Bike To Work Day on February 14 as a warming station.
Mr. Glenn told the board that Marketing has engaged with an influencer and it has positively increased our social media numbers.
Mr. Glenn reported that we celebrated National Girls and Women in Sports Day yesterday and partnering with the local high schools.
Mr. Glenn celebrated that staff far exceeded their budget goals in 2024 and is able to increase the merit pool from 4% to 6%.
Mr. Glenn let the board know we completed interviews for the RFP process for a new registration system and feasibility study.
Board Member Reports
Director Burns reported on the latest Kiwanis meeting.
Director Garrimone reported on the Foundation meeting and looking for sponsorships. He also reported that the Cart Barn project at the Golf Course is coming along.
Director Tomsula shouted out to Kay and Karina for helping with the birthday party.
President Pyne reported that a friend of hers saw Apex PRD on the social media as one of the top places to go in Colorado.
Director McNeal attended Maintenance Management School as a regent and had an enjoyable time.
MOTION: Director Garrimone moved that the meeting be adjourned. Director Tomsula seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
President Pyne adjourned the meeting at 7 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Katie Groke, Recording Secretary
Rich Garrimone, Secretary/Treasurer