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Apex Park and Recreation District CORA Request Form

District Policy Regarding Research and Retrieval Fees for Responses to Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) Requests

It is declared to be the public policy of this state that all public records shall be open for inspection by any person at reasonable times, except as provided in this part two or as otherwise specifically provided by law.

In those cases where the location or existence of specific documents must be researched, and the documents must be retrieved, sorted, or reviewed for applicability to the request, and such process requires more than one hour of staff time, the official custodian may charge a research and retrieval fee not to exceed thirty dollars ($30) per hour. The official custodian will not impose a charge for the first hour of time expended in connection with the research and retrieval of public records.

Apex PRD Official CORA Custodian: Katie Groke, [email protected].

For all CORA requests, please fill out this form.